Friday, December 11, 2009


Will Obama sign a CO2 pact in Copenhagen? I'd bet he does and the idiots in our Senate may also sign it. Everybody should call, email, or fax their Senators and tell them not to sign it. It has been proven that CO2 does not contribute to global warming. The scientists who are pushing this ignored any data that didn't agree with what they wanted to prove. And they cheated by taking temperatures in asphalt parking lots and on top of buildings with tar roofs. Normally temperatures are taken at ground level in the shade.
Also I recently learned that termites release more CO2 than all the cars and trucks in the world;
so why not just kill all the termites.
America has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran combined----enough to last 300 years at our present rate of consumption. For $37 per barrel oil can be produced by processing shale----why are we paying the Arabs $75 or more per barrel. I think Obama is a closet Muslim. He said he would transform America an he is; but he is bankrupting it first.
Wake up Americans before it is too late. We MUST get rid of the idiots in Congress and Obama.
Obama (our Messiah) wants to be King of the world. I'm very sick and tired of his bowing and saying depreciating things about the country I love.
Go to and let your Reps and Senators know how you feel.
Oh what the hell----the world as we know it may end 12/22/2012. (Mayan calender)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Will be ever get rid of Obama

When you think you've heard it all, you are mistaken. Obama, who has tripled our national debt in less than a year, now wanted to have our "volunteer army" carry health insurance so that the government will not have to pay for their care if they are injured in combat. He said "they knew what they were getting into when they enlisted". A big cry of DISMAY arose and I think he has backed away from the idea. Maybe I'm naive or just soft hearted but I think his idea was an insult. He is the "Commander in Chief"----what a crock that is.
Obama has never been in the service and has not a clue what combat is like. I can't imagine having enough gall to even think about doing what he wanted to do. Am I surprized---NOT A BIT. He is a narcissist who cares about nobody but himself----he is the Messiah and wants to be KING of the world. He says he taught "Constitutional law"----I don't think he understands the
Constitution. He certainly tramples it every chance he gets. I'm very afraid of his government.
Jeffferson said "when the people are afraid of the government, that is tyranny; when the government is afraid of the people, that is freedom". It is about time that we be free again!!
Hopefully we will be rid of him in 2012---we must be rid of part of his Henchmen in 2010and tge rest of them in 2012.

Monday, November 30, 2009

It just keeps getting wierder and wierder!!!

About the time you start thinking things may start making sense, you find out they really don't.
In spite of the global warming HOAX being exposed, (recent "hacked" emails of those who are pushing that nonsense) our Messiah and his idiotic democrat controlled Congress continue to want to enact a CAP & TRADE bill. That will be a complete DIASTER. Any fool should know that in a recession the LAST thing you do is to raise taxes and
impose more regulations on businesses----especially small businesses. Millions more will lose their jobs when their employers move out of the USA. Our TRUE unemployment rate is 17.5%. With Cap & Trade it could easily rise to 25%. We'd better get the soup kitchens and bread lines ready. To still believe global warming is real is just plain STUPID and as Ron White (aka Tater Salad) says "there's no cure for stupid".
It is my conviction that the Muslims who paid for Obama's education have told him to bankrupt the USA.They haven't been able to do it with their outlandish oil prices so now they will have him do it. I believe Obama is a "closet" Muslim and is following their wishes.
Americans MUST NOT re-elect any democrats presently in Congress but MUST elect conservative Republicans or Independents then Kiss Obama goodbye in 2012.
It will take years to undo the damage that Obama has done in just 9 months. May GOD help us.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Your Health care is headed for thew cesspool

Pelosi got her health care bill approved. I suppose the Senate health care bill will also be approved. Then the two bills will have to be compromised into one. If that bill is enacted you can kiss the care you are used to GOODBYE. In spite of what Obama, Pelosi, or Reid says there will be waiting and rationing. There just aren't enough doctors to make it work. It takes 8 to 10 years to educate and train a general practitioner. Add another 4 or 5 years to educate and train a specialist of any kind. It is expected that 45% of physicians practicing now will "retire". This will create a super shortage, and the quality of care will deteriorate.
When the politicians passed Medicare and estimated the cost of it they were off by a factor of 8.
They estimate the cost of government controlled health care at about $1.3trillion the first 10 years.
If they are again off by a factor of 8, the cost will be closer to $1.trillion per year.
Obama and his democratic Congress have already spent the USA to the brink of bankruptcy and the government controlled health care will shove us over the brink. Our dollar is losing value rapidly. I doubt that China or our other debtors will agree to be paid in dollars.
In closing, it is readily apparent that the USA is in a very deep hole. So why are Obama and his
Congress still shoveling?

Friday, October 23, 2009


From the national debt clock: 1pm 10/23/09. These figures will have grown before you read this.
U.S. debt per taxpayer---not every citizen pays taxes-----$110,276
U.S. spending as of today------------------>3,000,000,000,000.
Budget deficit as of today------------------$1.28 trillion
Saving per U.S. adult--a measley---$2720.
Fed Reserve money "created"---------------$2 trillion
U.S. debt held by foreign countries-----------#3.5 trillion\
Interest on debt--------------$5,000,000,000 daily.
Unfunded liabilities ----Medicare,Medicaid, Social security $105.8 trillion
Unfunded liabilities per/citizen------$343,795
When Medicare was enacted the politicians estimated its cost----they were off by a factor of 8.
Do you really think we can afford Cap and Trade or socialized health care??? The US is already BANKRUPT and our dollar will not be accepted by our debt holders. If they want farm land at $5,000 per acre, you can kiss the Midwest GOODBYE.
We CANNOT afford Obama and his idiotic democratic Congress any longer.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama got WHAT

I can't believe Obama got the Nobel Peace prize. Hitler in 1936 got the Olympics for Berlin but the Messiah couldn't get it for Chicago. Do you suppose it had anything to do with the way he apologized to Europeans when he toured Europe. He did nothing to praise America. Did he forget that if it wasn't for American GI's in WWI and WWII that all of Europe would be speaking German.
Did he forget the Marshall plan-----America spent $50,000,000,000 rebuilding much of Europe. And a sign near where many of our GI's are buried says America take your trash home.
Did he forget that after each disaster---earthquakes, tsunamis etc that America is almost always first to aid the people affected. I'm very very tired of the way he talks about America.
I'm sure his education was paid for by Muslims, too bad they didn't have him take some courses
in Economics. For the "bailout" he used Keynesian economics (loaded with pork) just as Japan did in the 1990's---it didn't work then and has NEVER worked. He has increased our nation debt to where the interest on it is $500,000,000 each DAY. He is POWER hungry and wants to control our lives, even to tell how to raise our children. This country is BANKRUPT----the average John Doe just hasn't realized it yet. Our children and grandchildren will be pauper slaves to the government. Oh well, the world as we know is supposed to cease to exist Dec. 22/2012.
Is it too late to emigrate to New Zealand or someplace where the government has some common sense? May GOD spread his Grace o9n the USA before it becomes the Socialist States of Mexiamerica.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Does Obama ever tell the truth

Would Obama know the truth if it bit his tush? Recently he told the names of two people who were very ill and said that their insurance companies had suddenly cancelled their health insurance. It turn out that the companies didn't cancel their insurance and paid for their treatment. He is so used to lying that he has come to believe himself. He denies close ties to Acorn---another lie. HE HAS BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH ACORN SINCE 1994. Acorn gave a lot of money to his presidential campaign fund. They got their money back in the first "bailout" about $5.2billion. Since Acorn was founded it has received over $50billion from the government. Recently we have found out what a crooked organization Acorn really is. When he spoke at the Acorn convention he said "your agenda is my agenda and when I become President I want you to help me with my agenda. He has surrounded himself with unsavory characters. To name a few: Valerie Jarret, Van Jones, Kevin Jennings, John Holdren, Tom Daschel, Cass Sunstein. At last count Obama had 47 czars and they answer only to him. He has lied about the healthcare bill---that illegals won't be included. But asking about citizenship will not be allowed. What a charade. He hasn't had time to talk to his General in Afghanistan but found time to go to Denmark to try to get the next Olympics in Chicago. Trying to repay his old cronies I guess.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama's ties to ACORN

Obama first worked with Acorn in 1992 in a project called "project vote" which encouraged the poor blacks in Chicago to register and vote. Then in 1995 he represented Acorn in a law suit known as "Acorn vs Edgar" and he won a sizable settlement for Acorn. Following this he was recruited by Acorn to become a trainer-----he trained Acorn's trainers. They trained Acorn members in the art of intimidation. One thing they were trained to do was to fill bank lobbies with enough members to interfere with the banks operation. To return to normal operations the bank would agree to make "home buying" loans to people who could never repay them. In short Acorn was a sizable factor in the recent "housing crises". About the same time President Bill Clinton urged Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac to make sub-prime loans (smile Barney Frank).
Acorn was founded by Wade Rathke and Gary Delgado in 1970. Wade's brother worked for Acorn until he was found to have embezzled almost $1million----he now is with Apollo Alliance. Since 1994 Acorn has received $53billion from the government----they got $5.2billion in the first "bailout". Recently when the money was shut off by Congress 7 Senators (6 democrats and 1 independent) and 75 Representatives (all democrats) voted against the "shut off".
Really makes one PROUD to be an American doesn't it.
I'm sure the "prostitute tapes" were the final blow to Obama's friends at Acorn.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Future Obamaland.

The year is 2014 and Obama was re- elected to be our President in 2012 and was able to get a democratic Congress elected. Congress just repealed the 1st and 2nd admendments to our Constitution. Nobody other than the military and police may own a gun of any kind. Free speech is no longer a right. In fact you must now have permit from the government to conregrate as a crowd of more than 100 people except for approved sporting events. The FCC has brought about the end of conservative radio talk shows by requiring localism and that the boards of stations have at least 51% liberals on the board. Rush Limbaugh and Gregg Garrison are no longer available. Newspapers cannot print anything derogatory about Obama or his cohorts. Travel has become restricted----you need a permit to go more than 100 miles (in your small electric car) from your home. Health care is rationed---not enough doctors to care for everybody. The death rate for old people has soared. There is no chemotherapy for cancer patients because it is too exspensive.
Czar Sustien who believes animals are as valuable as humans has made it possible for your pets to sue you if you mistreat them. The Federal government now spends 62% of the nations GNP which is more than any socialist country in Europe. China has refused to accept U.S. dollars as payment for our debt to them. They are insisting on appraised real estate instead. They want farm land at $5,000/acre. Most of the Midwest will be owned by China. Welcome to Obamaland. Are you still happy you voted for him? I did not, but due to your stupidity I must live in the Socialized States of America. But not for long because I'm old, thank God.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama is desperate to conrol health care.

Obama now has control over several banks, insurance companies, and two auto makers. He is POWER hungry. It may surprise you but POWER is an acronym. The phrase it stands for is:
Piss On Who Ever Resists. I watched his speech on health care last night. He sounded angry,
contentious and paranoid. He threatened to "come after" those who lied about it. This is typical paranoid behavior. He just can't wait to control another 16% of our economy.
In his campaign he said many times that as President he would transform this country. He is trying his hardest to convert the USA into an European-like socialist state. He is very glib when his teleprompter is working correctly----and is LOST when it doesn't. If people had known then what we know now, do you think he would have been elected; I don't.
There is still the question of his birth certificate. I'm overjoyed that a Judge in California has set a trial date. Obama has spent over $1 million with Perkins & Coie (an international law firm) to keep his college and law school information "sealed" as well as keeping his "certified birth certificate"
unprovided. The health care bill MUST NOT be enacted and he and his Democratic Congress MUST NOT be re-elected

Monday, August 31, 2009

Very Worried about Obama's plans for the USA

I'm very worried about where this country is headed. We were warned----many times he said he would transform the USA. Firstly he is transforming it into a bankrupted country.Secondly, his czars seem to be fiends he found under some rocks. Thirdly, his "healthplan" should be called a DEATH plan especially as far as old people are concerned. He denies there will be rationing, but there will be. There just are not enough doctors to avoid it. Canada's system is a travesty----their cancer death rate is a disgrace. In England breast cancer patients do not get chemotherapy because it costs too much.Americans are not good "waiters"----most are used to almostinstant care. Obama and his idiotic Congress seem hell bent to pass the Cap and Trade bill. That will be a disaster----thousands of lost jobs. Our true unemployed rate is over 10%----they aren't counting those who have quit looking for a job. And the last thing our economy needs is an increase in taxes and utility bills (which he says will SKYROCKET). His real plan is to make the USA into a copy of an European socialistic country. Recently he has mentioned a "constitutional convention". He would like to do away with our right to free speech and our right to "bear arms". It is time to get on your roof and shout "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chris Dodd in hot water again

Chris Dodd has never lived in a house that he paid for----friends and people who have wanted him to push legislation they wanted enacted. Conversely to vote against they did not want enacted. I wrote a previous bit about this which is posted on my blog. He even "owns" a place in Ireland.
He got "special treatment" when he in 2003 took out mortgages on 2 of his "homes"---one in Coonnecticut and one in Washington D.C.. They came with V.I.P. treatment that lowered every cost usually involved in a Countrywide mortgage: origination fees, points, and the interest rate.
This was in return for favorable action by Dodd when regulations concerning the mortgage industry are discussed by Congress.
Dodd came by his crookedness without going outside his family. His father was kicked out of Congress for campaign fund violations anf other misdoings.
When I heard he has prostatic cancer, I hoped his bone scan would light up like a Christmas tree. But no such luck----they caught it early. He should be KICKED out of Congress just like his father was.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Still NO certified birth certificate from Obama

Since he was elected Obama has spent $1,352,378.95 to keep his birth certificate, college records, and law school records secret. He has used international law firm Perkins Coie. Since he announced his campaign he has paid Perkins Coie $2,300,000.
What is he hiding? Law suits filed by several lawyers have all been dismissed without stating a really good reason.

I think it is time for his being eligible to hold the office be proved one way or another. There is
a video on you tube in which Governor Richardson states that Obama was not born any place in the USA. Obama's actions make one think he has MUCH to hide. I think he is a closet MUSLIM.

I watched his town hall meeting today and it was obvious that he doesn't really know what all is in that bill or if he knows then he is LYING again. He still says there are 47 million people without health insurance. But that figure includes 12 million illegal aliens and 20 million citizens who could afford insurance but don't think they need it. So a more accurate figure would be about 25 million. He wants CONTROL of another 15% of our economy. Do you know what POWER is? It is an acronym for "Piss On Who Ever Resists"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Are tired of all the liberal crap yet.

If you are not very tired of all the liberal crap that has been thrown your way, I'd have to say you've had your head up your ass so long that you are constipated and have "fecal amnesia" If you don't get your head out of there very soon you will be living in the United Socialist States of America. Obama, whose education was paid for by Muslims, told us on many occasions that he was going to transform America---and he MEANT it. He is pushing us toward a copy of an European Socialist State. He has taken over the auto industry. the banking industry, and now is trying to take over the health industry (another 15% of our GNP). He is narciissitic and lately seems paranoid. Lord Acton said "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" Truer words were never spoken. Obama cares about nobody but himself. There was a video on you tube that showed Obama, his "dear friend Professor Gates" and the policeman who arrested him going down the Whitehouse steps toward the Rose garden for their "beer party". Guess who helped Dr. Gates down the steps---it sure as hell was NOT the Messiah. This should tell you a lot about Obama's character. Next on his list after Health care (death care for us old folks) is how to raise your children. He thinks the Europeans do a better job. In a nutshell he wants to CONTROL every aspect of your life. You'd best start praying often and loud for your children and grandchildren---they are destined to be paupers and slaves to the government.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Obama becoming paranoid?

I just heard on the radio that if you get an email about his proposed health plan, he wants you to report it to Also he wants the name of anybody you hear discussing his plan in public. In other words he wants to know who is saying what about his "death" (especially for old folks) plan.
He is narissistic----several psychiatrists have pointed this out. Now he is sounding paranoid. I guess you can have two psychiatric conditions at one time. I suppose the liberals will be ratting on people. The question is: what will he do with the information. One guess is that it could affect the way you are taxed or treated by the IRS (which is run by his friend Geitener (?) who didn't pay his income taxes. I would not turn in my worst enemy but I am tempted to turn in some of my liberal acquaintances. Notice I didn't say liberal friends. I am trying to get to the point that anyone who is a liberal doesn't really exist. I am convinced that liberals are born with a brain defect that prohibits them from thinking logically. Have you noticed that if a liberal and a conservative are arguing the liberal will always butt in before the conservative can make his point? And most conservaties don't butt in while the LIB is talking

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The USA was started by Christains.

I just saw on Fox News how the USA got its start. All the members of the Constitutional Congress were devout Christains. After six weeks of bickering Ben Franklin suggested they adjourn for three days and attend church and pray a lot. When they resumed negotiatons there was no bickering and five weeks later the Constitution was signed by all of the deligates.
For many years each day both houses started the day with prayer. Every President has had a prayer day except Obama----maybe he couldn't decide in which Mosque to have it.
Think about this----most everybody says he is the first BLACK president. HE IS NOT BLACK---his mother was WHITE. Therefore he is a mulatto. But I don't believe he or his wife like white folks.(Obvious from what she wrote in college). Many times during his campaign he said he would transform America and he sure as hell is trying his best to do just that. Firstly he will bankrupt the country. Acorn and SEIU tell him what they want---between them they gave his campaign over $100million ----he spent over $800million. The liberal media love him---I wonder if they will still love him when he tells them what they can air or print. (I'll bet that will happen). He may even try to change the Constitution so he could serve more than two terms. His Democratic Congress MUST not be elected in 2010 and if he runs again in 2012, he must be defeated.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is Obama a "closet" Muslim? Begining to looklike it.

Obama has just appointed two devout Muslims to Homeland Security posts:
David Heyman is now Assistant Sectretary for Policy
Arif Alikhan is now Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. He was instrumental in taking
down the LAPD plan to monitor LA's Muslim community. He is a Sunni.

This is very troubling. There are several (12 I think) Muslim camps inside the USA that teach terrorist tactics including bomb making. I know that most Americans are nice people but why on earth do we tolerate crap such as this. If I were President these camps would be raided, everybody there would be imprisoned and /or DEPORTED if they survived the raid. And the camp facilities burned to the ground.
Obama stated many times during his campaign that he would "transform" America. I sure as hell don't like ANYTHING that he has done so far, especially his apologizing to the world for some of our past actions. Maybe we should have let Germany win WWII---Hitler was more straight forward than Obama has been or will ever be----we knew he was EVIL.
WAKE UP AMERICA!! It is Getting VERY late. We must not elect Obama again. It will take several years to undo the damage he has done in just 6 months with the help of Congress that is controlled by Democratic IDIOTS. ENOUGH (actually TOO MUCH) ALREADY.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A friend of mine got an invitation from AARP to register for a Town Hall meeting today at 1:30pm with Obama and AARP about Obama's health plan. Here is his reply with which I agree entirely.
"You can take your left leaning AARP and put it where the sun doesn't shine. The AARP is no longer promoting the well being of the senior citizens of this country. You are now nothing more than another ACORN, promoting the liberal agenda of this President. $500billion is proposed to be cut from Medicare and 12 million or more illegal aliens are to recieve FREE medical care. Now tell me, as an American that has worked all his life, how this is going to benefit most hard working and retired Americans? There is no cost containment in this bill. It will bankrupt our country. It is a LIFE TERMINATION POLICY FOR THE SENIORS OF THIS COUNTRY. MY QUESTION IS:
"WHY THE HELL IS THE AARP SUPPORTING THIS PLAN?" Your promotion of this plan makes Adolf Hitler look like a Saint. The AARP is helping to destroy the United States".

I'm sure he will not renew his membership----I dropped mine about 5 years ago.
There is some cost containment in Obama's bill-----He will let us old folks die if it is going to cost too much to treat us---a decision made by some government numbskull who could care less.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Miscalculation or lie?

Obama states that 47,000,000 Americans are without health insurance. the real number is
about 35,000,000. Apparently he was adding in about 12,000,000 illegal aliens. Maybe the point is moot----the Democratic Senate can't even figure out how to finance it. I don't suppose any of them would take a pay cut. Maybe Al Gore would be willing to throw in a few million---he has made over $3million off of his global warming BS. But Al has to pay his utility bill each month---the equal of the total for six average households. He spent a lot of money "greening" his house and now his utility bill is 20% higher. Do you feel sorry for him-----I sure DON'T. His "carbon footprint" is BIG---but he buys "carbon permits" from his mining company. Out of his left pocket into his right pocket. He really has done well for a guy that flunked out of seminary and got into law school only because his father was an U.S. Senator

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is Obama related to Pinochio

It's a good thing that Obama was born in Kenya. If he had been born in Italy he surely would be related to the famous puppet. As many lies as he has told during his campaign and since taking the office he "bought" with the aid of the media by now his nose would be many feet long.
I believe he is one of those people who would rather lie to you than tell you the truth. I doubt that he would know the truth if it bit him in the ass. His wife isn't much better. She has been a "vice president" of the Chicago University Hospital for several years. After Barak got a $1million dollar grant for the hospital her salary was raised to over $400,000. She started a program that was supposed to help poor people in the area of the hospital. Now if an injured or sick poor person goes to the University Hospital Emergency Room if they can't pay or don't have insurance they are sent down the street to a free clinic. Now that is really helpful isn't it?

But I guess she is much happier about America now that she lives in the Whitehouse.

May God and the voters forbid Obama a second term.

Friday, July 24, 2009

More on lobbyists and other crooks.

Do you know who writes the rules & regulations for lobbyists? Congress does. So to get around this ex-congressmen etc. call themselves "strategic advisers", "policy advisers", or "government
relations consultants". Thus former congressmen or congresswomen, relatives of them, or former campaign personel can "legally" do the very same things that a lobbyist can do. They can charge very high fees to corporations, foriegn governments, labor unions. trade associations etc. to try to get passed or to kill special-interest legislation or to get favorite projects funded.
Some of these people are:
President Bill Clinton--gets paid to help push legislation favorable to those who pay him.
Ted Kennedy Jr.----discussed earlier---very brazen.
Tom Daschle--ex Senate majority leader. His wife also "lobbies" Obama broke a campaign
promise when he appointed him Sect.of health & human services. Daschel also
had been on the Board of Mayo Clinic. And Daschel was an employee of Alston &
Bird---this group made almost $8million from drug companies, nursing homes,
Laboratories, nurses, and insurance companies. Also he got big bucks for speeches
for health giants (United Health Group). His income in 2008 was over $8.8million.
George Mittchell--another ex-Senate majority---a great friend of Dubai---worked for DLA
Piper and helped with the"camel jockey case" He forgot to pay all of his income tax?
Trent Lott----ex-Senate majority leader who resigned from the Senate and joined Breaux Lott
Leadership Group---their income in 2008 was just over $8million.
Bob Livingston-ex-House minority leader---resigned from the House after he was exposed of
having an extramarital affairs. These were publicized right after he shamed
Clinton about his B.J.'s etc. with Monica Lewinsky. Sounds like tit for tat. He is an
in your face lobbist who made a little over $9million in 2008.
Matthew Nugen---was "political advisor" to Obama during his campaign. He is now a
"strategic advisor" with the Ogilvy Group. Their income in 2008 was about
So you can see that being a lobbyist---excuse me---a strategic advisor or a government consultant is a very good job if you can get it. But I can't understand how these guys can sleep at night or look in the mirror and not get nauseated every morning.
Another Book to read: "FLEECED" by Dick Morris &Eileen McGann

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lobbyists and other Crooks.

I have never had much respect for the Kennedy family----I don't even like the way the family fortune was made. For those of you who don't know, here it is. FDR appointed Ted and Jack's father to be the ambassador to England. He knew Prohibition was going to be repealed. So he had several boat loads of liquor waiting just outside the 3 mile boundary and they docked as soon as the announcment was made. In addition he had set it up so that he got a royalty on every bottle of scotch that was (and maybe still does) imported into the USA. DAMN it I like scotch.
Then there is Ted Kennedy Sr.---the one who drove off the bridge. A FBI friend of mine told me Ted didn't know Kopeckne was asleep in the back seat. But Ted was more interested in the woman in the passenger seat. They both swam to safety across the bay. (Why didn't they just swim back to the island). He waited several hours to report the accident---no doubt he wanted to become sober.
Ted Kennedy Jr. has no problem using his father's position to make a lot of money. He started a
"health advisory" firm called "Marwood Group". They offer info and advice on what to expect from D.C. on issues that relate to health care changes and and to the health care industry. Marwood hung out it's shingle to lobby from 2001 to 2004. Ted Sr. was the chairman of the Senate Committee on Health,Education,Labor & Pensions. Marwood was contacted by Bristol-Myers Squibb who made Glucophage ( a diabetic drug on which the patent was about to expire and they wanted to extend the patent, if successful they would make billions of dollars). So BMS wanted to meet with Ted Sr. Ted Jr. set the meeting up and was paid $20,000 by BMS in 2001.They had already spent $4.9million on other lobbyists. Marwood never reported the contact with Ted Sr. as they were required to do. In 2003 BMS paid Marwood $80,000 to help get an appropriation to permit Medicare to pay for myocardial perfusi9on imaging. Guess what Senator was called first. Advanced Medical gave Marwood about $160,000 over a 3 year period.
Ted Jr. started another lobbying firm---WayPoint Advisors and Advanced Medical paid this firm $80,000 in the first two years. In 2004 it came out that Ted Jr. had commissions of millions
from labor unions and the city of Boston. WayPoint shut down in 2006 after Congress made lobbying by family members and spouses illegal. (McCain & Obama pushed this bill).
There is more on lobbyists but not room enough---so expect more later!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Holdren new Science czar--despicable character

Recently Obama appointed John Holdren as "Science czar". This man is a bona fide fascist Fruitcake only nuttier. He and Paul & Anne Erlich in 1997 wrote a book titled "ECOSCIENCE". I will give you some quotes from that book. I am sure they will blow your mind!!! "Women could be forced to have an abortion even if they didn't want it. Babies born to single women or to teen aged women should be taken away from them and given to families who want them. Undesirables should be sterilized or aborted if they become pregnant. Compulsory abortions would be legal if needed to assure the country doesn't become overpopulated. Mass sterilization through drugs added to the water supply is OK as long as it doesn't harm livestock. The government could control women's reproduction by sterilization or mandatory implantation of long term birth control drugs. The kind of people who cause social deterioration can be compelled not to have children. Nothing is wrong or illegal about the government dictating family size. A Planetary Regime should control the global economy and dictate the number of children allowed to be born. We will need to surrender national sovereignty to an armed international police force". There is much more. I suggest you google John Holdren and go to Obama' science czar--forced abortions. Where does the Messiah find all these NUTS? I guess it takes one to know one!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Where are the jobs Obama promised?

When Obama was "selling" his $787 billion "stimulus" he promised it would save and create 3 or 4 million joba. Unemployment at that time was 7.2 %. It is now 9.6% nationally and it is 11% in Indiana. I have read articles by several writers who say that unemployment could go as high as 20%. As I remember, during the 1930's depression it was never higher than 25%.
If Congress passes the CAP AND TRADE bill you may well see 25% unemployment. Many manufacturers will trim their work force to the absolute minimum. Many others will move to another country and leave their employees without a job. China and India will be the major winners!!! We Americans will be the major LOSERS!!
It IMPERATIVE that in 2010 the Republicans gain control of the House and the Senate.
In particular Pelosi and Reid must be sent back to the rat holes from which they came. And I mean REAL Republicans----Not another Specter!!
In 2012 I would love to see Huckabee or Romney elected as President witth Palin as VEEP. In the meantime I suggest you buy GOLD---our dollar is becoming worthless---but the Mint keeps printing them as fast as they can---even China doesn't like them!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

No "rant" today---too depressed!!

I don't have a "rant" for today----I am too damned depressed by where this country is headed under Obama and his idiotic Congress. I'm beginning to think that many Americans deserve what is just around the corner. They just don't seem to care. But I don't want to live in a Socialist country. Should I learn Mandarin (chief chinese dialect) and be ready when China asks to be paid in American land. A few trillion dollars will buy a lot of land at$5000/acre Or should I learn Portugese (main language in Argentina) so I could emigrate there----an American enclave is being established there in the Andean foothills. Or should I move to Texas and hope that it secedes from the USA----it is the only American state that can legally do that. But I understand that Texas is in financial trouble. Oh well maybe I will become very ill and under Obama's health plan it might cost too much to treat me so they will just let me die.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Obama has plans to destroy the 2nd amendment

Obama will use a treaty signed by President Clinton with the OAS in 1997. The OAS includes all independent nations of the Western Hemisphere except Cuba. Clinton never presented the treaty to Congress, nor did BushII so it has never been ratified. The treaty is commonly known as CIFTA. At the OAS meeting in April 2009 President Obama said he would send the treaty to our Senate for ratification. He falsely claimed that the convention was merely an expression of good will. If ratified, police and sheriffs sales of confiscated guns would be oulawed by CIFTA. Also reloading ammunition would be outlawed. (At present in every U.S. state reloading is legal).
Thus either the Federal or each state government would have to pass laws to impose loading licenses and define unlicsensed reloading as a crime. Currently U.S. law requires a license to manufacture firearms. Under CIFTA you would need a license to make ANY part of a gun or to attach a scope, sling or bipod to any gun or to repair a gun yourself. It is easy to foresee Obama-appointed judges upholding massive new BATFE ( Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) gun control regulations, especially when Hillary Clinton and the State Department's
top legal advisor insists to the courts that expanded federal regulations are necessary for the U.S. to comply with its international law obligations. Further CIFTA could be used to impose national licensing, regulation and taxation of gun owners without Congress having to enact new laws. The CIFTA treaty can be ratified by 2/3's of the Senate. The House could be cut completely out of the law making process.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama's disastrous health plan.

Obama is really pushing hard to get a national health plan enacted. He says our healrh system is broken. It is not broken but is very stressed by illegals flooding our ER's and by non-payers. I understand that health care may be expensive. The problem is that hospitals have to make money to keep the doors open. I have been on the Hospital Board of trustees for several years. We have spent millions to keep up with technology----They don't give MRI and CAT scanners away and the machines you have been using for five years or so are outdated now and must be replaced. Our local hospital has already gone to electronic records----at a cost over $1million. If everybody could or would pay their bill out of pocket or by insurance we would not be writing off over $1million each month. Most hospitals in Indiana are making no more than 4% over what it costs to treat each patient. Patients who can pay are paying part the bill for those who can't pay.
I mentioned keeping the doors open, the hospitals have to make enough money to expand as the community grows and to replace outdated equipment or add needed equipment. Hospitals also struggle to hire and keep a good nursing staff. There is a national shortage of nurses. Our hospital is fortunate to have an adequate nursing staff---many don't.
As a trustee I'm not getting rich---may yearly stipend works out to about 10 cents per hour spent on hospital meetings, getting prepared for Board meetings and other duties.
There are so many things wrong with Obama's plan I won't even go there. It bothers me most that decisions that really matter would NOT be made locally. Obama likes Canada's system. If it is so good why does any Canadian who can afford it come to America to get good prompt treatment.If you have internet access go to and type in "a short course in brain surgery". I think it will show you what the Canadians are getting for "health care". I don't
think Americans would be happy with their system. And it doesn't work any better elsewhere.
England will not give chemotherapy to breast cancer patients because it is too expensive. Our Senator Daschel has said that if an old person has a disease that would be expensive to cure that person should be allowed to die. I'm old and not real healthy BUT I'M NOT READY TO DIE.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It looks like Sotomayor will be approved to be on the Supreme Court. Obama may need her soon and desperately. The Court has agreed to hear a case that could be the end of Obama as our President. It seems that he went to Pakistan in 1981. He could NOT go there on an American passport because NOBODY was allowed to do that. So what passport did he use.
If he used a British passport that apparently proves he was born in Kenya----like his Grandmother claims. She has said she "attended" his birth. If he used an Indonesian passport that means he was adopted by his step-father and therefore was and is a citizen of Indonesia. The USA does not allow dual citizenship. So I think Obama is between a stone wall and a hard spot. One MUST be a natural born citizen of the USA to be eligible to be President!!
I don't know if he also has more passports. I believe we don't know for sure just who the hell he really is. We do however know he is a SOCIALIST and is trying hard to bankrupt this once mighty nation.
It may turn out to be a very interesting year. I have no idea of when the trial may start but I do know how I want it to end.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs stands to make billions of dollars if the Cap and Trade bill is passed. Do you remember Geitner who Obama appointed as Sect. of the Treasury. He came from Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs got a lot of money in the bailout. Geitner in his new position saw to it that Goldman's two best rival were allowed to fail so Goldman now has very little competition.
Their plan is to buy a very big bunch of "carbon permits" and sell them at a jacked-op price to those companies that will need them. Incidently they are based in Europe and pay no tax to the USA.
The idea behind Cap and Trade is to decrease CO2 emissions to counter global warming. But China and India (two of the world's biggest CO2 producers) have already stated that they will do nothing that might hurt their economy. Maybe they also already know that Global warming is a HOAX. I have already told you that the earth warms up and cools down in 27 year cycles. The last year of warming was 1997 so now the earth is cooling and will do so until 2024.
The media show polar bears not having enough ice to float around on. They are supposedly an endangered species. several years ago it was estimated there were 5,000 of them. The latest esimate says there are now 25.000. Their favorite food is baby seals, lately they have gotten a taste for humans. I don't feel sorry for them at all.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Charlie Rangel---Also a CROOK

Rangel was elected to Congress in 1970----he defeated Adam Clayton Powell a civil rights leader who didn't even show up in Congress very often. Rangel fought in the Korean War. After the wae he finished high school, college, law school and became an assistant US attorney. He is now the hjead of the Ways and Means Committee.
After AIG fiasco and the huge bonuses they gave the executives, the Democrats wanted to wipe out the bonuses by levying special taxes on them. Rangel said NO; but then he changed his mind and sponsored a bill to impose a 90% tax on the bonises paid by AIG and other employees of banks that had gotten bailout money. During debate on the House floor he acted like a raving maniac.Maybe he didn't remember getting campaign money from banks. American Express, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & CO. and other for a total of $380,550,000. Apparently he had also forgotten that he had asked AIG for $10million for a school to be named after him. I guess it was quid pro quo for legislation that AIG wanted passed and it was! Rangel paid his son $80,000 to develope a web site that would help him get re-elected---it was a very good site and experts say it was maybe $100. He forgot to report on his taxes $75,000 rentel income. Seems that Charlis has a terrible memory as well as bein a CROOK.

Crooks in Congress

I don't know just how many crooks there are in Congress but today I want to talk about two of the worst. Chris Dodd andCharlie Rangel are both so crooked they have to screw their socks on each morning.
Dodd likes nice expensive homes----but he has never paid for one. He has no trouble letting people who have interests before Congress buy him a new home. Among the donors are Sanford Bomstein (who had been a fund raiser for chris's father) and Edward R, Downe Jr. (who pled guilty to federal criminal charges because of his blatant insider trading).
Chris may have inheirted his nefarious ways from his father, Senator Thomas Dodd. Thomas had been kicked out of the Senate . He had accepted cash from a corporation in violation of the prohibition on corporate contributions. Also he had double billed tje Senate for travel expenses for 13 trips. And he had the free use of 3 cars paid for by a constituent for 2 years. On top of that he had diverted $116,083 in campaign funds to his personal use.
Ed Downe was beholden to Chris Dodd---Downe had been convicted of wire fraud and tax evasion. Chris got Bill Clinton to issue a full pardon on January 19, 2001---a day before he left office---too little time for the Justice Dept. to do anything aboyt it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Supreme Court Hearing.

I was watching the hearing today. I got very tired of the Democrats praising Sotomayor. In spite of their praises I never saw a halo form over her. I think she would make a horrible judge on that Court. She is at least as liberal as Ginsberg and I think more liberal. A liberal Supreme Court is the last thing America needs at this time. It will be interesting to see how she gets out of some of what she has said. I hope she is not appointed. She is "anti-gun". If we lose the right to own a gun, will it be long before we lose the right of free speech???

It may be very interesting to watch some of the Republican Senators question her.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The cost of Obama's czars

Obama now has 33 czars and is considering at least one more. It is estimated that each czar and his staff will cost us taxpayers at least $1million for each czar and his staff. I don't know if this includes the cost of office space, desks and supplies. I suggest we all bend over and yell RAPE!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Al Gore has become very wealthy from global warming BS

When Al Gore left office as Vice President his net worth was just under $2million. He now has $35million invested in hedge funds. I'd say that's not too bad for a guy who flunked out of divinity school and got into law school only because his father was a Senator. His wealth has come from speaking about and pushing Global warming. Global warming is a HOAX---it is based on a faulty computer program. Remember garbage in & garbage out.

Obama's trip to Russia and the meeting in Italy was a big flop. Putin agreed on one thing---the USA and Russia would reduce their nuclear arsenal by 1/3. In Italy, China and India essentially told the other countries "go fly a kite".
I believe India and China are right---I don't think global warming has anything to do with CO2. I've written about the extended ice core drilled in Greenland that showed a 27 year cycle---the earth cools for 27 years then warms for 27 years---1997 was the last warming year. Yesterday (July 9th 2009) it stayed below 70 F all day in Chicago---hope the Dailey gang all caught pneumonia!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Expensive overhaul

Obama etal are goimg to overhaul will cost a mere $18million. This web site shows where the bailoout money was sent.
Maybe they are trying cover up the fact that blue counties (carried by Obama in the 2008 election)got two times the bailout money that red counnties (carried by McCain in the 2008 election)
AnotherFACT---Obama has managed to spend more money than all the previous 43 Presidents combined. Thats right: from Washington to and including BushII. If you voted for Obama, are you still happy. If you are still happy I bet you are very constipated and as long as you have your head up inside your rectum you will remain constipated!!! Wake up, get your head where it belongs and vote for every Republican you can in 2010----get rid of Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, Dodd and their cronies.
Obama's popularity is dropping rapidly----only 30% of those polled approve of what he is doing. I believe that percentage is close to the percentage of stupid people in the USA. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!!

National Debt

How bad are things? Herenare some figures that should really scare you:
9. U.S. POPULATION---306,832,907 DOES NOT INCLUDE 11,715,446 ILLEGALS.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Palin resigns

Palin has resigned as Governor of Alaska and the liberals a attacking her for that.
Since she ran for Vice President she has had many "ethics" complaints filed against her. Her legal fees bill is somewhere around $500,000. If she continued her term, by the time she completed her term and the ethics complaints continued at the rate they have been filed----there would be 367 complaints. Her legal fees bill would be astronomical. She has not been found guilty of any of the complaints filed.
I don't blame her for resigning.

Hate Crimes bill

Another bill that will greatly influence what you say or write or post on the Internet is the Hate Crimes bill.I'm sure this idiotic Congress will enact this bill.
I suppose nobody will be allowed to say any thing bad about Obama or Congressmen. It will be a Federal crime and if found guilty you will spend a minimum of two years in prison. This bill was proposed because a woman in California posted "bad things" about an enemy of her daughter on MY SPACE. The girl (enemy)committed suicide. So now we all have to be very careful of what we say or write because of one CRAZY woman!!!

Freedom of speech will be lost by Obama's actions

How will we lose our Constitutional right to free speech? Obama has it all planned! First he has a plan to kill talk radio; he considers Limbaugh and other conservatives as his enemies. He won't use the Fairness Doctrine. He will use a FCC rule requiring diversity, localism and public interest in programming. Each radio station will have to renew its license every two years (at present it is every eight years). Dick Durbin (D IL)inroduced the bill which was passed. This means that there will be diversity in ownership. Thus conservative owner will be forced out and replaced by liberals. The FCC has 5 members, 2 Republicans, 2 Democrats, and one appointed by the President.Thus the FCC can reissue the broadcast license to a more "diverse" group (read left wing liberals).Each station will have an "Advisory Board" that would be powerful and the station owners would have to follow their whims. Obama appointed Julius Genachowski as head of the FCC. The media reform groups
are overjoyed by his appointment. Durbin's bill requires the FCC ensure that station ownership is "diverse" and that licsenses are assigned strictly in the local public interest. Say goodbye to Limbaugh,Garrison,Hanity, Levine and other conservaties!

Obama's transparency

Obama promised his administration would be "transparent" but the only thing transparent about it is that Obama himself is transparent.
It is obious that he knows nothing about economics----he insists on using Keyneasin economics and doesn't realize that it has never and wll never work. But he persists because he wants to bankrupt this country so he can socialize it. He doesn't want to run a car company but he usurps the bankruptcy rules so that the unions win and bond holders and stock holders get royally SCREWED. He as thrown a trillion dollars of "stimulus" money into the economy but very little of it has been spent and the last of it will not be spent until 2024. And now he wants another stimulus. I guess his Democrat cronies in Congress have not yet got all the earmarks they want.
He is pushing hard to socialize medicine (another trillion+ down the old rat hole). His tax evading buddy ex-senator Dashle will write the regulations. They ignore that our health system is NOT BROKEN but is being severly punished by 12 to 20 million illegals who use our emergency rooms for medical care. I say SEND THEM HOME!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is Obama a "closet" Muslim?

Since taking office Obama has: met with Mahmoud Abbas who is leader of the Fatah party in Palestine----the first head of state he called on. His first TV interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia. His first Executive order was to fund abortions any where in the world with U.S. tax dollars. He has tried to close Gitmo and ordered all trials stopped. He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed. He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the 911 attack.
Yesterday H.R. 1388 was passed. This funds $20million taxpayer dollars to immigrate Hamas
refugees to the USA. This will allow hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States at taxpayers expense.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Books you MUST read as soon as you possibly can:

Glenn Beck-----Common Sense-----Beck doesn't like nor trust politicans Republican or Democrat. And I think you'll agree ater reading it. Largely a bunch of crooks who are only
interested in getting re-elected.

Dick Morris----Catastrophe----He explains where Obama is taking America. Unless you
love Obama like the media does you will love this book.

More on Obama's health care

Even the Canadians don't like their system. Eight months to get a CT scan or a MRI exam. The Canadians who can afford good prompt care come across the border and get their care. A great example is a man who was told by his doctor that he might have a brain tumor. He was told it would be eight months before he could have his MRI. He came to a Detroit hospital and had his MRI the next day and it showed a brain tumor. He took the MRI films back to Canada and they wouldn't even look at them. He came back to the Detroit hospital and was seen by a neurosurgeon and was operated on the next day. The tumor was a glioblastoma. Had he stayed in Canada it would have killed him before he ever got the MRI.
Go to and type in "a short course in brain surgery.
Under Obama's plan, old people with a disease that would be costly to treat will be allowed to DIE. England's plan may be worse---there no chemotherapy for breast cancer patients because it is TOO EXPENSIVE.

Obama's health care plan

Obama's health care plan will be a disaster. He soon will (with his idiotic Democrat Congress)
grant amnesty and citizenship to all illegals. This plus bringing in all the uninsured will mean RATIONING of health care. I am a retired Surgeon and I have talked to many MD's who say they will retire and find another profession if they have not built up an adequate IRA.

It takes 8 years to educate a family physician and at least 13 years to educate a Specialist. There will not be enough physicians to give everybody who needs it prompt good care. who recieves care will be decided by a government employee who has no real knowledge of disease or how to treat any disease. Obama thinks the Canadian model is great----well, it is NOT. In Canada you wait for many things:
To see a doctor---several days
To see a specialist---several weeks and sometimes several months
Elective surgery---as long as 3 years
Heart surgery----you will probably be dead before it is scheduled.